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Don't You Dare Ignore Us!

Post Menopausal. Post Redundancy. Post Recession. Post Pandemic. Post WTF Next?

Not ready to retire but secretly almost want to! The last 12 years have been manic, exhausting, fun, wild, rewarding, desperate and hard.

How much more does this woman have to learn and adapt to maintain, keep up, reinvent, support, be supported, beg, borrow and still put on my Happy Face!

I am rather envious of those who are fortunate to live and have shops in well healed, prosperous market towns and villages that appear to have glided through all this and come out the other end still looking gorgeous.

I have not wasted a minute in transferring my business online, building up followers, writing monthly newsletters (for the last 12 years) and adapting to every available social media platform with all its reels, stories, post, videos, offers and ads. Plus running the community pop up shop at our church.

I have joined innovation labs, academies, Zoom seminars, Teams discussions, Webinars, platforms and everything that can give me that leverage to stay ahead of the technical jargons, Vivavideos, Tic Toks, clip, cuts, and paste, add music et al! I will not be left behind however much I still don’t understand.

I really admire Trinny! That woman works her butt off every day producing news worthy and interesting videos to keep all her 948K followers happy and engaged. Such stamina.

I love fashion, I love buying, I love serving & selling, I love people and I loved my shop. With all my lovely things around me.

It’s different now! I get it! I shouldn’t mind really, but I want MORE. I want success; I want to have 948K followers, an assistant, an influencer, personal photographer and video maker to do the clever stuff. I want all the rewards I work bloody hard for!

This year I have built a new website, it’s My Look. I have taken my own photos and set up all the social media platforms and engaging with a whole new clientele. I have chosen each piece, based on art inspired, statement jewellery and accessories. I have sourced products from Europe and constantly searching for more. These pieces are bold and exciting and require a bold woman to wear them.

I am advocator of bold women who want to wear creative clothes and accessories that make them happy and confident. No-one should dictate what to wear. They should inspire you.

I’m good, I look great for my age of 63, and I still have great style, energetic, interesting and still flipping fabulous. So don’t you dare ignore me or any woman out there making an effort to be amazing?

If there is one joy left in this crazy world wear it!

This is still my time!

(How many years left until I get my pension)?

Lynn Turner.


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