What a great summer we had and now a lovely mellow drift into autumn.
Perfect for still wearing those summer pieces and teaming up with little jackets, the odd scarf and adding a piece of jewellery to lift the whole look.
I have shopped for some easy pieces that are not expensive and not full on winter which will take you through to November before we have to get serious.
I have bought small bags which are great for the bare essential and light to carry.
More silver jewellery is on the way but I have found some great bold pieces that are fun and jazz up your look.
If you can take a trip to Flex Studio to check out the rail and enjoy the cafe`
Lots of new jewellery is available at The Dedham Arts & Craft Centre where you can also enjoy delicious cake....I'm not called Cake & Catwalk for nothing!
Thank you for coming to my last open day, it was a great success and I am planning another in October for great bargains and ideas for Christmas.
New Scarves
New Jewellery
New Bags
New Looks
For all the big designer jewellery.
My Jewellery outlet is at Dedham Arts & Craft Centre
A rail of Clothing at Studio Flex Nacton
